1- Register in our online store or enter with your customer account
2- Visit the catalog and add products to the shopping cart
3- Confirm the order: indicate your billing and shipping and choose the payment method
4- Receive your order
Normally, standard delivery is in 24/48 hours depending on the shipping address.
One step before confirming your order, we will present you with a screen with the complete detail of your purchase. You will see the items of your order, their price and availability at the time of purchase, shipping costs, payment method and management costs, if any. We will send you an e-mail with all the order information, including the availability of the items at the time of purchase.
We send orders, always, after confirmation of payment. Once the order leaves our warehouse, we will issue the invoice, we will send it to you by email.
If you need to modify the order, contact our customer service and make the necessary modifications.
If you want to cancel the order, contact our customer service and it will cancel it.
If you have the status of reseller of mobile phones, video game consoles, laptops and digital tablets, you must contact our customer service department to provide us with the certificate accrediting such status, issued by the AEAT. Said certificate is essential so that we can apply the taxable person's investment in the sales invoices of these items. In practice, this means that we will not pass on IGIC or equivalency surcharge on the purchases of these items.
Please note:
The procedure consists of communicating to the AEAT your status as a reseller through a census declaration with form 036.
Once the previous step has been completed, you can locate the "Census Status Certificate" in the electronic office of the AEAT -> ELECTRONIC HEADQUARTERS -> PROCEDURES, SERVICES AND PROCEDURES -> Census CERTIFICATIONS census identification (3rd option). Please note that the AEAT can modify the electronic location of the document.
To accredit us the condition of reseller, the 036 model or any other that is related to the processes of registration, cancellation or modification of your census situation is not valid. Obligatory, you must provide us with "Census status certificate" or the "Census certificate. Reseller Status Art .24", any of them with the secure validation code issued by the Tax Agency and in PDF format.
This document will certify that you are a reseller of this type of products and will be valid for the calendar year corresponding to the date of issue. If you do not correctly credit us with the condition of reseller, the sales invoices of the aforementioned items will not be used for the taxable person's investment. In practice, it will mean that they are subject to IGIC and an equivalency surcharge, if applicable.
If you make a purchase that includes items that are covered by the taxpayer's investment, together with items that are not covered by this modality, two invoices will be issued differentiated.
For more information on the application of taxable person investment to the sale of mobile phones, video game consoles, laptops and digital tablets, you can consult your tax advisor or administrative manager. The reverse charge of the IGIC is not applicable to eBooks (electronic books).
If you have a customer account in a courier / transport agency and want to use it for your shipments, you must notify us at the time of ordering. As soon as we have the order confirmation you will receive an email indicating that you can already notify the agency for the collection.